We are the avantgarde!
Judith Branwen Berndsen is a self taught multi-media artist and film maker, an alchemistress and adventuress living in the Wild West.
Believes in magic, following bread crumbs and wherever the road takes you.
Inspired by Redwoods, female surrealists, the mystical, environmental activism, Bauhaus, brutalist architecture, Cormac McCarthy and Native American culture.
Grew up in the fairytale wonderland of Franconia and went out into the great wild world looking for the mythical fern flower, voodoo, folk lore and the highest rocks to climb.
Imagines Pierre Huyghe to be her alter ego and hopes to meet the man one day. 

Russell Dammers

Russell Dammers once had a art studio in a funeral parlor, and in a ex science lad in Catholic School is intrinsically interested in anything off the beaten path, fascinated by Americana, ghost towns and abandoned structures. With his sense of humor he likes to explore the how’s and why’s of this crazy place.

His insider forays into the art world - from back alleys to blue chip museums into Billionaire's houses- and connections to artist communities, give us access to established artists' studios and galleries. Not only does he share art world trivia and secrets on our tours, but also his hands on experience as an artist and muralist.